Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas.

 On Tuesday, May 19, 2015  

Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas.

Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas.

Laporan oleh Listabuzz yang disiarkan pada 23 April 2015 yang lepas.

- Anggaran gaji tahunan dan gaji bulanan dinyatakan dalam nilai USD.
- Tidak termasuk bonus dan kelebihan2 lain yang diterima oleh pemimpin berkenaan.
- Tertakluk bagi negara-negara dalam benua Asia semata-mata.

Baca ;

Ia sentiasa perlu untuk mendedahkan gaji pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi negara kepada pengetahuan umum. Sudah tentu, kita tahu bahawa mereka sepatutnya mendapat gaji yang lebih tinggi daripada orang kebanyakan atas nama kelayakan. Walau bagaimanapun, sesetengah dari mereka memperolehi pendapatan yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada rakan-rakan mereka di negara-negara lain. Dalam senarai ini dihimpunkan 17 pemimpin asia yang menerima gaji tertinggi, semua angka adalah dalam dolar Amerika Syarikat dan juga yang lebih penting, perlu diingat bahawa gaji rasmi seorang pemimpin adalah mungkin hanya sebahagian kecil daripada potensi faedah pejabat dan oleh itu artikel ini tidak termasuk faedah dan manfaat yang tertakluk atas pemimpin, hanya anggaran rasmi yang disebut dalam artikel ini. Walaupun gaji asas tidak boleh menjelaskan secara keseluruhan, namun sekurang-kurangnya ia akan membantu anda untuk memahami berapa banyak nilai pemimpin-pemimpin tersebut. Walau apapun, kita pasti bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin Asia adalah antara pemimpin yang dibayar gaji tertinggi di dunia. (dialihbahasa dari sumber asal)

17.  Thein Sein. Salary Range: $36,000 – $18,000

Thein Sein is the President of Burma. He is as a result of his post the head of state and head of government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and leads the executive branch of the Burmese government, and heads the Cabinet of Burma.
It was reported that his monthly salary of $5,000 ($60,000 per annum) became an issue in parliament, so he offered to take a pay cut to $3,000($36,000 per annum) but his government records show he has accepted just $1,500 a month (18,000 per annum) since taking office in early 2011. So it is believed his salary is between $36,000 and $18,000. For the purpose of this article, we will consider his official salary which is stipulated in his government records, and as such he is the least earner on our list.
16. Xi Jinping. Salary: $22,000 (R267 520) Per Year 

Xi Jinping is China’s President and as a result, is the head of state of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). He receives a salary of $22,000 (R267 520) every year which is below what his counterparts in Taiwn, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc, earn annually. He takes the 16th spot on our list of highest-paid Asian leaders.

15. Tshering Tobgay. Salary: $27,930 Per Year 

Tshering is the prime minister of Bhutan who has been in office since 2013. In 2014, he received a salary hike to get between Nu 180,000 ($33,968 per annum and Nu 198,000 a month ($37,365 per annum). Though it was reported that he rejected the salary hike saying that he would donate the Nu 50,000 ($9,435 per annum ) from his revised monthly salary to charity. If we should go with his open rejection, it is believed the Prime Minister earns $27,930 every year after subtracting Nu 50,000 ($9,435 per annum ) from his highest possible salary. 

14. Pranab Mukherjee. Salary: $28, 800 Per annum 

Pranab Mukherjee is the current President of India and as such, the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India and also the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces. Pranab Mukherjee earns $28, 800 per annum while the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi earns $30,300 every year.

13. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. Basic Salary of $32,513.88 per annum (₱120,000 per month)

Benigno Aquino III is the current president of Philippines. He is the recent head of state and head of government of the Philippines. The President leads the executive branch of the Philippine government and is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Benigno earns a basic salary of $32,513.88 per annum (₱120,000 per month) (₱ 8,640,000 total at six-year term as of 2012)

12. Prayut Chan-o-cha. Salary: $49,728 per annum (4144 USD per month)

Prayut Chan-o-cha is the Prime Minister of Thailand and therefore is the head of government of Thailand. He is also the chair of the Cabinet of Thailand. The man sitting on this post which has existed since the Revolution of 1932, when the country became a constitutional monarchy earns $49,728 per annum (4144 USD per month) based on 2013 exchange rate of 0.033 USD to THB. Remember that all the benefits he gets for being the Prime Minister are not included.

11. Najib Razak. Salary: $75,775.2 per annum (MYR 22,826.65 per month)

Najib Razak is the sixth and current Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is the head of government (executive) of Malaysia who was sworn in to the position on the 3rd of April 2009 to succeed Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Najib Razak is among the top earners on our list of highest paid presidents with a basic salary of $75,775.2 per annum (MYR 22,826.65 per month). Note that no account is taken of his numerous perks and benefits.

10. Benjamin Netanyahu. Salary: $120,814 Per annum

Benjamin Netanyahu is the current Prime minister of Israel and the head of the Israeli government. He is the most powerful figure in Israeli politics. Although the President of Israel is the country’s head of state and nominal chief executive, his powers are hugely ceremonial. The Prime Minister who holds most of the real power pockets $120,814 every year as his basic salary excluding the variable perks and benefits.

9. Joko Widodo. Salary: $124,171 Per annum

Joko Widodo is the current president of Indonesia who on October 20th 2014, became the 7th  president of Indonesia. He earns $124,171 every year making him the 9th top earner among the presidents in Asia.

8. Tammam Salam. Salary: $150,000 Per annum

Tammam Salam is a Lebanese politician who has been Prime Minister of Lebanon since February 2014 and the acting President of Lebanon since May 2014. He earns $150,000 every year as his basic salary. Needless to say he takes home other variable perks.

7. Ma ying-Jeou. Salary: $184,000 Per annum

Ma ying-Jeou is a Taiwanese politician and the current President of the Republic of China (commonly known as Taiwan). He pockets $184,000, which makes him the 7th highest paid Asian president.

6. Park Geun Hye. Salary: $187,000 Per annum

Park Geun Hye is the president of South Korea. Note that based on the South Korean constitution, the president of South Korea is the chairman of the cabinet, the chief executive of the government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the head of state of South Korea. She earns $187,000 every year.

5. Shinzo Abe. Salary: $202,700 Per annum

Shinzō Abe is the Prime Minister of Japan, re-elected to the position in December 2012. He is the 5th highest paid Asian president with a whooping salary of $202, 700 every year.

4. Ilham Aliyev. Salary: $225,000 Per annum

Ilham Aliyev is the current President of Azerbaijan. Republic of Azerbaijan is a contiguous transcontinental presidential republic in the Caucasus region, located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is surrounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west and Iran to the south. The exclave of Nakhchivan is bounded by Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, while having a short border with Turkey in the northwest. The president of the country takes home $225,000. Keep in mind that the president’s salary was converted according to the average rate of AZN to USD in 2009: 1 USD = 0,8 AZN in 2009. Also his salary is fixed in Election code.

3. Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. Salary: $530,000 Per annum

Hong Kong’s president takes the third spot of top 20 highest paid presidents in Asia. He earns as high as  $530,000 annually. The Cy Leung, chief executive of Hong Kong earns nearly 27 times the salary of Chinese president Xi Jinping. 

2. Fuad Masum. $809,673.6 (80 Million Dinars Monthly) per annum

Fuad Masum is the president of Iraq and the head of state of Iraq who not only safeguards the commitment to the Constitution, preserves Iraq’s independence, sovereignty, unity, and the security of its territories in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, but also ratifies treaties and laws passed by the Council of Representatives, issues pardons on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and performs the “duty of the Higher Command of the armed forces for ceremonial and honorary purposes.  According to a new report, the current Iraqi president, Fuad Masum receives a total of $809,673.6 (80 million dinars monthly) per annum.

1. Lee Hsien Loong. Salary: $1.7 million Per annum

Ladies and Gentlemen, here comes our highest earning leader in Asia. Singapore’s Lee Hsien Loong earns a whooping $1.7 million every year. Loong’s salary is big enough to pay for the combined salaries of the leaders of India, Brazil, Italy, Russia, France, Turkey, Japan, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Germany. It is in fact  12.5 times as much as Putin’s salary. He is not only the highest paid political leader in Asia but also in the highest paid prime minister in the world. 

Petikan : Listabuzz.

Ulang siar entri Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas. bertujuan berkongsi bahan bacaan ringan dalam lingkungan rakan blogger dan jaringan sosial tanpa melibatkan sebarang keuntungan. Dengan penghargaan kepada Nurul Asyikin iaitu sumber atau penulis asalnya. Much more respect from Dop Paka Sikit Arang.
Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas. 4.5 5 Unknown Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Senarai 17 Pemimpin Asia YG Menerima Gaji Tertinggi - Najib Di Tempat Ke Sebelas. Laporan oleh Listabuzz yang disiarkan pada 23 April ...

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