Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah.

 On Monday, July 25, 2016  

Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah.

Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah.

Jurucakap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak dilaporkan mengesahkan persengketaan keluarga yang menyaksikan anak perempuan tirinya, Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz secara terbuka membidas abangnya Riza Aziz.
Jurucakap yang tidak dinamakan itu memberitahu akhbar The Weekend Australia, semalam bahawa beliau telah membaca posting Azrene Soraya di Facebook dan akaun Twitter.
"Beliau mempunyai hak untuk mengatakan apa yang dia mahu kata tetapi saya boleh mengatakan dengan pasti bahawa hubungan ibu dan anak perempuan itu renggang selama bertahun-tahun.
"Kami tidak mahu mengulas buat masa ini," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata, sambil menambah bahawa ia adalah persengketaan peribadi keluarga.
Azrene berkata abangnya, Riza, yang dinamakan dalam saman sivil Jabatan Keadilan (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat menerima balasannya kerana menjual dirinya syaitan.
Ini berikutan saman yang mahu menyita dan merampas aset AS$1.3 bilion yang didakwa disalahgunakan daripada dana pelaburan negara 1MDB.
Dokumen 136 muka surat, antara lain, menyenaraikan Riza sebagai tokoh utama dalam saman pelucutan hak sivil itu.
Riza sebelum ini menafikan bahawa syarikat produksi miliknya, Red Granite, telah menerima dana daripada 1MDB.
Walau bagaimanapun, dokumen mahkamah terkini menyatakan bahawa Red Granite menerima AS$64 juta dana yang dikesan berasal daripada 1MDB.
Sebagai respon, Red Granite berkata ia tidak mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai wang yang digunakan untuk membiayai pembikinan filem 'The Wolf of Wall Street' diperolehi sevara tidak sah dan bahawa dakwaan terbaru itu tidak akan menjejaskan operasinya.
Najib secara konsisten menafikan sebarang salah laku dan tidak dinamakan dalam saman DOJ itu walaupun ia membuat rujukan sebanyak 36 kali untuk "Malaysian Official 1". - Malaysiakini.
Versi asal laporan English ;
The step-daughter of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has issued a rebuke of her family, claiming her Wolf of Wall Street producer brother was paying the price for acting the “dutiful son”.
She further charged that the US government had “copped out” by not naming public officials ­involved in the multi-billion-­dollar heist from state development fund 1MDB.
In a statement uploaded to Twitter and Facebook, Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz also appealed to her estranged mother Rosmah Mansor, the second wife of Mr Najib, not to throw her US-based brother Riza Aziz under a bus “so that you and your husband can get off scot-free”.
Mr Aziz, a co-founder of Hollywood production company Red Granite, was one of several people named in a US Justice ­Department lawsuit this week that seeks the seizure of $1.3 billion in assets bought with money stolen from the 1MDB Malaysian State Development fund he oversaw.
Red Granite, producer of The Wolf of Wall Street, said it had no reason to believe the money was “illegitimate” and Mr Aziz had done nothing wrong.
A spokesman for the Prime Minister said he had seen the post but could not comment on private family matters.
“She has a right to say what she wants to say but I can say for sure that the mother and daughter have been estranged for many years. We are not responding to it at the moment,” he said.
Malaysian Attorney-General Mohammad Apandi Ali was quick to point out this week that Mr Najib was not named in the lawsuits, the first substantive ­action taken by a foreign government in relation to the mis­approp­­riation of 1MDB funds that some estimates put as high as $US6bn ($8bn).
However, the lawsuits refer to a “Malaysian Official 1” 32 times, including in connection with an inquiry by Mr Apandi into a $US681 million payment transferred into the personal account of “Malaysian Official 1” that was ultimately found to be a “personal donation to Malaysian Official 1 from the Saudi Royal Family”.
Mr Apandi personally oversaw an investigation into $US681m in cash transfers into Mr Najib’s bank accounts, which concluded that the money was a donation from the Saudi royals.
Mr Najib said on Thursday that his stepson Riza Aziz, “like anybody else, has his rights”, and that the government would fully co-operate with all international investigations but that no wrongdoing had been proven.
Ms Azrene wrote on her Facebook page that her brother could be paying the price for signing his “soul to the devil to own what does not belong to him”.
“If he stood as proxy or as a trustee for what does not belong to him or any individual who asked him to be the ‘dutiful son’, he needs to pay for it,” the Malaysian image consultant said.
And in a direct appeal to her estranged mother, she added; “Please do not forsake another just so that you and your husband can get off scot-free. It is time for YOU to step to the plate and do what is right. Be. A. Mother.”
Opposition parties and anti-corruption activists have all stepped up their demands for Mr Najib’s resignation in the wake of the US lawsuit, among them ­former prime minister Mahathir Mohammad, who called for a tribuna­l of independent judges, including foreign judges, to hear the case.
But Malaysian analysts insisted yesterday that Mr Najib’s position remained solid.
Oh Ei Sun, a former Najib aide turned analyst, told The Weekend Australian the lawsuit had not caused “an inch” of additional concern among senior members of the ruling UMNO party, ­because the Prime Minister still controlled the party’s resources and largesse.
“He remains iron-clad within UMNO as the party’s structure has become such that the incumbent is all but invincible lest he lacks the will to rule any longer,” Dr Oh said, adding that was only to be expected in an “illiberal democracy with a single ruling coalition”.
“Allies like Australia can do precious little except express ­regrets and call for betterment, if and when convenient­ ­diplomat­ically,’’ Dr Oh said. -The Australian.

Ulang siar entri Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah. bertujuan berkongsi bahan bacaan ringan dalam lingkungan rakan blogger dan jaringan sosial tanpa melibatkan sebarang keuntungan. Dengan penghargaan kepada PASTA DotMy iaitu sumber atau penulis asalnya. Much more respect from Dop Paka Sikit Arang.
Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah. 4.5 5 Unknown Monday, July 25, 2016 Jurucakap Najib Sahkan Sengketa Azrene - Rosmah. Jurucakap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak dilaporkan mengesahkan perseng...

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